Error in xdn-deploy-lambda

Hi, I have the following issue; If I upload all the pages (html files) that my site has, after deploying this message appears:
“error - DeployBuild job failed [unexpected]: Error in xdn-deploy-lambda: The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method.”“error - DeployBuild job failed [unexpected]: Error in xdn-deploy-lambda: The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method.” I have to trim the number of htmls so that i don’t get an error.

Is there any way to fix this. Thanks

This error shouldn’t be affected by the number of files in your deploy. Have you been able to deploy successfully since reporting this issue? I do recall seeing this error message on some deploys last week, but I believe it has been resolved. Can you try to deploy your files again and confirm?

I still have the same problem. Attached image of the message when completing deploying .


Your issue appears to be different as the error message states there are too many routes defined in your routes.js file. Do you possibly have a lot of static assets that are being served from a public directory? If there are a lot of files that get added to the router at build time, this could easily go beyond the limits of the router size. I would need to know more about your project structure to know for sure though.

Yes, my site uses a lot of static assets served from public folder. Is there a way to get around that obstacle?
Thanks .

You should move them to a static directory and configure the router to serve them using serveStatic.

Thanks I have solved it. I changed the form of the project. In the end I had to put the files in build.