How do you install node 14 on amazon linux?

How do I install and use node 14 on Amazon Linux?

I am attempting to follow Layer0 Documentation - Next.js to deploy a Next.js application from Amazon EC2 running Amazon Linux.

The Next Guide links to Index of /dist/latest-v14.x/ but it’s unclear which distribution to use and how to install and use it.

My instance already had nvm installed so I was able to just nvm install --lts

To further elaborate on this, you can install NVM and node by using:

Also, semi-related to using nvm, to change the default nvm version (if you have to jump between multiple versions on any given box) so that new processes/terminals use the correct version, you can use:
nvm alias default 14 or nvm alias default 14.17.1 etc.

More details here: