Skip global xdn npm install

Hey Howie!

Clean install then running gatsby serve =>

λ gatsby serve
warning Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'D:\HUNGRYBEARSTUDIO\MOOVWEB\gatsby-site-2\.cache\match-paths.json'
warning Could not read match-paths.json from the .cache directory
warning Client-side routing will not work correctly. Maybe you need to re-run gatsby build?
You can now view gatsby-starter-hello-world in the browser.
error Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, stat 'D:\HUNGRYBEARSTUDIO\MOOVWEB\gatsby-site-2\public\404.html'

This is due to no public folder existing and also no 404.js file existing either. This starter from Gatsby should include a 404 but it doesn’t.

As I understand it, Gatsby serve, serves the build output from the public dir as to mimic a production build locally. But seeing as the application hasn’t been run yet, no public dir has been created yet so no static files are there to serve. Also, as mentioned above, they don’t provide a default 404 any more (im sure they used to…)

Hope this helps.